Whether you’re looking for a single email send to boost webinar registrations or a fully managed HCP engagement programme, our experienced team is on hand to support all of your HCP communication needs.

The success of any campaign is down to 3 key elements: contacts, content and channel. Getting valuable content in front of your target customers in the right way and at the right time will help you deliver your business objectives and marketing strategy. We understand what works, and more importantly what doesn’t, so can support and advise you throughout.

The types of HCPs communications and campaigns we manage include:

Regulatory updates

Expedient communications to get regulatory information out to key healthcare professionals.

  • Addressing the need to send a required regulatory communication to all prescribers (GPs, hospital doctors, specialist nurses, hospital pharmacists). 
  • This service covers product recalls and notifications, updated NICE guidance, prescribing information update, back in stock communications, advanced budgetary notifications and new products indications.
  • Direct email and mail for optimal audience reach in a timely, cost-effective and reportable format.

Disease awareness

Therapy-based campaigns to build trust and value across target audience and change behaviours.

  • Underpinning the patient, pathway and partnership first approach, these engaging campaigns are typically aimed at key therapy-based stakeholders (senior managers, clinicians and patient groups).
  • High value content supports the case for change and addresses HCP and patient challenges via disease insight reports, optimal pathways, clinical articles, case studies, apps and tools.
  • Email communications, print mailings and HSJ events sponsorship to support medical and clinical activity as well as your social media channels.

Brand promotion

Product communications about available treatments options or above brand company initiatives.

  • Enhancing client sales and marketing activity where a more promotional approach is required. 
  • Our granular UK and ROI database of c. 430,000 healthcare professionals covers 212 specialties and 88 sub-specialties for a precision targeted campaign to support product updates, webinars and online events, promotional website launches and consent acquisition programmes.
  • Email programmes, printed mailing communications, HSJ online content and HSJ advertising to support sales activity and other brand channels.

Patient information

  • Disseminating patient information via clinicians, practices, pharmacies and/or patient groups so that patients and/or their carers can optimise the patient pathway. 
  • These campaigns include initiatives such as sample mailings (where applicable), patient adherence programmes, launch of patient websites and distribution of patient publications and support materials.
  • Printed mailings due to the nature and volume of materials, supporting by email campaigns and social media activity to encourage sign up.

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