Specialist Share Data enhances customers’ insight into NHS secondary care prescribing trends, enabling increased visibility into granular market dynamics. Unlike other solutions, SSD splits account level patient numbers & share by product and indication to deliver unparalleled specialist therapy area intelligence.

Utilising unique insights, SSD optimizes go to market strategy, increases visibility of market opportunity and threat, and enhances insight and understanding of own and competitor product patient share, ultimately leading to more informed planning and decision making.

A Specialist Share Data (SSD) solution to suit all of your needs:

The SSD Platform

Develop an effective product value proposition to stay ahead of your competition

  • Empowers customers to increase and accelerate patients’ access to the right treatment, optimize go to market strategy and increase visibility of market opportunity and threat.
  • Unlocks market intelligence on your own position, competitor performance and specialist therapy area trends, enabling you to enhance decision making & strategic planning and inform your business with actionable insights.
  • Our intuitive integrated platform enables easy interpretation of SSDs account level patient share split by product and indication, highlighting unparalleled granular market dynamics

SSD by Specialty

A wider variety of disease areas available to access now

  • Currently available: Various indications across Rheumatology, Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Respiratory, Inflammation, Ophthalmology, Clotting Disorders, Immunology, Rare Diseases.
  • In progress: Central Nervous System

SSD Oncology Portfolio

The broadest coverage of oncology indications available

  • SSD offers unique patient-based data reporting patient share by product, organisation and therapy area so for you to gain unparalleled insight by NHS trust and indication market share. If your therapy area isn’t covered by those readily available or in progress, then why not commission your own SSD?
  • Gain full visibility of: Patient numbers (number of patients treated at each NHS trust including devolved nations); indication splits (multi-indication products by indication and account, highlighting indication market share at national and sub-national level, homecare (number of patients being treated by a trust in a hospital OR homecare settings).
  • Used by over 20 large UK pharmaceutical companies, across 15 therapy areas, SSD is differentiated from other providers due to our increased granularity of patient data split by therapeutic indication.

SSD Bespoke

Commission your own SSD for your products and therapy areas

  • SSD offers unique patient-based data reporting patient share by product, organisation and therapy area so for you to gain unparalleled insight by NHS trust and indication market share. If your therapy area isn’t covered by those readily available or in progress, then why not commission your own SSD?
  • Gain full visibility of: Patient numbers (number of patients treated at each NHS trust including devolved nations); indication splits (multi-indication products by indication and account, highlighting indication market share at national and sub-national level, homecare (number of patients being treated by a trust in a hospital OR homecare settings).
  • Used by over 20 large UK pharmaceutical companies, across 15 therapy areas, SSD is differentiated from other providers due to our increased granularity of patient data split by therapeutic indication.

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