We discuss five areas where Industry can develop its launch approach and maximise the opportunities for therapies that can benefit UK patients.

Launch is the most critical time in any pharma product’s life cycle, and as such it should be supported by a commensurate amount of research, preparation, market intelligence, stakeholder mapping and consideration of the hurdles involved.

But what are the crucial areas where can develop its launch approach and maximise the opportunities for therapies that can benefit UK patients? In this article HSJ Advisory's Jonathan Carney examines five key areas for achieving launch excellence :

  1. Understanding the full spectrum of UK market access barriers and opportunities
  2. Entering the market in the spirit of NHS Partnership, not a transaction
  3. Developing the launch value proposition as it applies to the whole system – not just to individual organisations
  4. Positioning your product within an end-to-end patient pathway, not as a standalone product
  5. Optimising your resource use and staffing