
Chris James

Solution Director, SSD

As Solutions Director for Specialist Share Data (SSD) Chris leads the SSD team overseeing all activities related to the delivery of SSD to our customers.

Chris’ has a track record of working closely with clients to understand their key business challenges and strategic priorities in the UK healthcare sector ensuring that all customers leverage the maximum value from partnering with us through tailored solutions and insights.

Chris originally joined Wilmington Healthcare (now HSJ Market Intelligence) in 2018, and before progressing into management held progressive positions working with the pharmaceutical and med-tech sectors in Client Services, Delivery, and Innovation, most recently heading-up product development for both the SSD and Quantis offerings and overseeing successful product launches. Chris has gained extensive experience across data analytics, HES and CRM data, as well as previously supporting clients across our full product portfolio.

Chris is currently studying for his MBA alongside his role as Solutions Director, developing his leadership expertise and abilities further.